
Help us raise the power of people.

Rather than bricks and mortar, our new campaign will pay for flesh and blood by investing in the people who happily break a leg — at Playhouse On The Square and at The Circuit Playhouse and TheatreWorks — every time the curtains open and the stage lights shine.

Playhouse Squared will double the size of our endowment, making it possible to raise salaries to a competitive level locally and nationally — and to sustain those salaries – all in the interest of retaining our best people. The campaign will also permanently enhance our annual marketing budget in order to achieve our goal of becoming a regional destination. This will help us reach an ever-widening circle of theatre-loving people through our shows and education programs, further strengthening the organization.

You can help make this happen. You can help us multiply the power of drama by supporting Playhouse Squared with a donation or pledge.

Mathematicians will tell you it’s difficult to get to the exact square root of 50.
We say the 50-year roots of Circuit Playhouse, Inc. and Playhouse On The Square will assure a successful campaign — with your help.

Please join Playhouse Squared today.
Click here to donate.

Click here to learn more about the Playhouse Squared campaign.

Call: (901) 937-6493
Email: development@playhouseonthesquare.org