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Mission Statement

To produce a diverse and challenging repertoire of theatrical work; to nurture our actors and staff in developing and sharing their talents; and to provide access to all.

Core Values

Artistic Excellence

We strive for high quality in all our productions and value taking artistic risks.

The Worth of All People

We commit to inclusion and diversity in our work, audience, artists, staff and leadership.

Outreach and Accessibility

We engage actively in outreach to make theatre accessible to everyone.

A Strong and Vital Community

We embrace our community and initiate efforts to make it a better place.

Professional Growth

We create a nurturing environment for artists to develop and share their talents.

Fiscal Responsibility and Operational Competence

We purpose to be good stewards and effective managers of our resources.

Fun and Entertainment

We enjoy our work and each other and aim to uplift all those involved with us.

Playhouse on the Square: a Timeline


Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. Bell-bottom jeans were all the rage. Two people communicated via ARPANET – history’s first email. PBS started broadcasting, and Wal-Mart stores opened their doors. Woodstock drew 350,000 outdoor rock and roll lovers. And Circuit Playhouse, Inc. began providing our city a diverse theatre experience when it was established in Memphis.


It was 40 years later and theatre audiences applauded the new Playhouse On The Square facility as well as the shows. The spectacular new theatre was built thanks to $12.5 million donated by foundations, corporations and individuals who believed in the mission of Playhouse and chose to invest in a bricks-and-mortar quest for a new home.


A decade has passed. Circuit Playhouse, Inc. is debt-free and still bringing the majesty of professional live theatre to the city with 18 shows every season on three stages, and educational programs reaching nearly 30,000 adults, teens and children. Now, we are choosing our 50th anniversary year to make certain that those investments a decade ago are sustained for the next half century – with a new and important fundraising campaign called Playhouse Squared.

Please consider making a donation to Playhouse Squared today.

Still have questions? Contact Rebecca Nassif at 901-937-6493 or development@playhouseonthesquare.org